Renee was born in....(okay so no one probably cares but me and my family).  My father was in the military, so I traveled around the Easteren side of the US for most of my life. Until I left home and journeyed to South Korea, the farthest West I had ever been was St. Louis, Missouri and the farthest East was London, England. Missouri was for family, England was my graduation from Flagler College gift to myself and South Korea is for work. My mom always told us to follow our dreams and never let anyone tell us we were not good enough.

So, now I am a middle school English teacher and I teach the English language to Korean kids. The levels for school are  a little different than in Florida, middle school here is equivalent to 7th, 8th and 9th grade back home.

What sent me around the world to teach in a foreign country I do not know much about? Well, that is a long story and probably somewhere else on this site. Short verison is I have always wanted to travel, to teach and to learn new things. Korea has given me the opportunity to do all of it at one time.

The reason I write....because I like to and it helps express opinions I would probably never share out loud. I have always loved to read and create adventures of my own in my head. I didn't really start writing until my Senior year of highschool and in college, it just kind of took off.

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